
Bible Study
This is a small group that meets every Tuesday at the church at 12 noon and shares ideas on the scripture from a lay person's perspective.

Episcopal Church Women
The ECW is a vial arm of the church and all women of the parish are an integral part of this organization which is firmly grounded in the larger church. The ECW supports the church in diverse ways as part of its service to the founding principle of the organization. The ECW is open to all women of the church.

The Men's Group
This organization has and continues to be a strong pillar of support to the church in many ways. The organization is open to all men of the church and it has demonstrated significant relationships with other organizations in the church.

The Feeding Program
This program is a vital core ministry of the church and every organization partakes in the Feeding Program schedule monthly. This is the church ministry to the community, the homeless and the hungry. For many years this program has been, and continues to be, a visible sign of St. James Church in the local community. The homeless and hungry are fed every third Sunday of the month in the parish hall.

Pastoral Care
The Pastoral Care Committee seeks out the shut-in members of the church who, for various health reasons, can't attend worship services. This committee visits the sick at home or the hospital and provides Communion to them every month, as applicable to members.

The choir leads worship through the singing of hymns, canticles and other musical works in the church. The choir from time to time performs classic works during the regular morning worship service.

This group is made up of the young people of the church who serve during worship on Sunday. Interestingly, most of the young people are off to college who make up the fabric of this organization.